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    • NRI Vasavi Association


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VA - DC / Virginia Chapter

Virginia/DC chapter, started in 2008 by NRIVA founding member Late Mrs Sujana Umesh, is one of the oldest chapter in NRIVA and has the honor of hosting the NRIVA’s first national convention in 2011. The chapter has been playing a key role in growing the NRIVA organization and has been a pioneer in introducing wide variety of activities like Vasavi Jayanthi, Vasavi Vidya Academy, and the latest one being the commitment to spend 25% of any funds collected towards charity.

With support of about 500 active families, strong core team, passionate volunteer base, and dynamic leadership consisting of chapter leads, treasurer, and various committees, the chapter is continuously engaged in serving the Vasavite community and spreading the message of Vasavi Matha: DHARMAM-SEELAM-AHIMSA


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Chapter Leads


    Satish Yerram


    Varaprasad Saini