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Coronavirus Disease
As you know, there has been considerable news coverage in the media about the COVID-19 coronavirus. These new reports are concerning to all of us, NRIVA leadership like to remind all of you to follow the precautions issued by the government authorities. Your safety is of paramount importance to us at NRIVA, here are some well received general guidelines and few useful links we thought deserves your attention to facilitate valuable information pertinent to Covid-19.
NRIVA is pleased to inform our member community, launch of multiple community support programs in response to the growing COVID-19 pandemic.
• Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) or use hand sanitizer, which is available throughout our facilities.
• Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. Cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than into your hand.
• Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
• Get a flu shot if you have not yet done so this year.
• Clean frequently-touched surfaces and objects.
• Educate your child on the importance of handwashing.
• Stay home if you are sick, and keep children home if they have flu-like symptoms, have had a fever or stomach bug symptoms within the last 24-hours, to reduce the spread of illness.
Disclaimer: NRIVA leadership is only suggesting a subset of guidelines available, we strongly suggest you to reach out your healthcare provider for more information on Coronavirus and guidelines
We are very optimistic, with the blessings of Vasavi Matha, all will be better soon.
Jai Vasavi Matha
NRIVA EC & Board
Links for additional info:
For symptoms and protection use the following link
Where to get COVID-19 test?
You can search at HRS Website for the screening
For Emergency Travel to India , visit indian Embassy Web Site
Don't worry.. if you can't find hand sanitizer in stores... You can wash your hands with any soap but follow WHO guidelines.. wash for 20 secs or sing happy birthday song twice or
you can make one at home.. Here's the recipe..
[No Purell? No problem! When disinfecting gel sells out everywhere, you can just make some yourself with stuff you (maybe) already have at home.]
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